Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Make it your own

One of my favorite quick and easy ways to change a room. I found this saying at Kohl's on sale it's as easy as can be to put on. Just pin it on the wall and smooth it down with the tool they give you. The best part it comes off completely which is great if you rent. The picture I found at Goodwill on one of my many trips. I have found the best time to go is the beginning of the month and right at the end. Why you ask? That's when most people move so you go at the end of the month and get the stuff people don't want to pack up. Go at the beginning of the month to get the stuff they don't have room for. That picture that originally came from Pier One still had the sticker on it for $45 I picked it up for $10. My favorite thing the less I spend the more I get to buy I refuse to pay full price for anything.

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